Don’t let your drunk friend into the water!
In the beginning of summer the Rescue Board reminds you that going into and on the the water while inebriated is extremely dangerous. In 2014, Estonia had a total of 86 deaths by drowning, and over half of the victims (58%) were under the influence of alcohol. In the last four years (2010-2014), there has been 163 drunk drownings, 102 of those during summer seasons.
These tragic events could be prevented if everyone would take it as their responsibility to stop their drunk friend going into the water by any means possible. More than half of last year’s drowning victims could have used such a friend because they were inebriated while going for a swim. People do acknowledge the dangers of swimming while drunk, but alcohol inhibits that sense of danger. This is why it is important for other people to step in – don’t let your drunk friend into the water!
Close to half of drowning victims left their lives into the water during summer months, most of them were drunk men. Estonia had an average of 5,1 drownings per 100,000 residents in 2014. This year we have had 11 drownings, same time last year, the number was 22.
The safety campaign of the Rescue Board “Don’t let your drunk friend into the water!” reminds us to take care of our friends when near a body of water, especially when alcohol is being consumed.
Calls for preventing your drunk friends going for a swim are seen and heard in every major TV and radio stations in Estonia. Printed adverts are seen in the streets and entertaining and educational video clips about water safety are spread through social networks. Prized games are held and water safety tips are published throughout the summer on the Facebook page of the Rescue Board.
Advertising clips for the campaign:
Outdoor advertising for the campaign:

Veeohutuskampaania 2015

Veeohutuskampaania 2015