A self-inflating jacket is considered as the most comfortable type of life jacket, since it more closely reminds a harness when put on, but acts as survival equipment when in water. The self-inflating jacket has a small compressed air canister inside which will fill the jacket with air in water. There are two main types… Read more
Types of life jackets
Life jacket

Life jackets are specifically designed to keep a person unable to swim on the surface for long periods of time. It has a collar that supports the head to provide protection in a case where the person is not conscious after falling in the water (for example an injury, contusion, hypothermia, breathing difficulties and so… Read more
Safety vest

A safety vest is meant to be an aid for an adult who knows how to swim. The main advantage of this device is a greater ability of movement, which is why it is most suitable for sporting activities on water. The safety vest is meant for brief times in the water and doesn’t turn… Read more
Life jackets for pets

When going on the water, one should not forget the safety of one’s pets as well. Life jackets are available for both cats and dogs, to ensure their safety while on the water. As with people, it is important that the life jacket is the correct size for your pet and fastened correctly – that… Read more