To have a safe time near water, it is important to know the characteristics of different bodies of water. Get acquainted below!
A small artificial body of water, which may be especially dangerous for little children as it can be much deeper than expected. Main dangers of ponds: steep banks, muddy bottom and unknown depth.
Special protective fences can be built around ponds near houses.

An artificial body of water with an unpredictable bottom.
Main dangers of quarries: unpredictable bottom, unexpected (sharp, rusted) underwater objects and water plants.
Gets deep very quickly

Wide and slow rivers may seem deceitfully safe.
Main dangers of rivers: the current may seem slow, but may actually be very strong. Depth varies from very shallow to very deep. Water temperature is usually lower and the water is not transparent.
With rivers one should avoid places of falling water, such as dams, dams and waterfalls.

Plant life may cause a risk when swimming.
Main dangers of lakes: water depth varies from very deep to very shallow.
The bottom bay be solid or very muddy.

The sea
Seawater temperature is usually lower than in lakes and ponds.
Main dangers of the sea: waves may alter the direction of the swimmer very strongly (depends on wind direction and speed).
Water is not transparent.